Pair of Vintage Old School Fru

Ericsson 218/337

To view IMEI number *#06#To view Software Version enter -> * <- <- * <- * CLR (Use with Care)
To activate operator lock <- * * <- (This locks the phone to one carriers SIM card - Use with lots of care)
Press Yes to lock and No to notlock. You can also use the codes below to undo this function. USE AT OWN RISK
I have tested the function Lock to SP... At least on the 337 there's a submenu: Enter SPCK-code. There are 5 attempts, which is showed (05 attempts). At final attempt the phone beeps as a warning, 'this is the final try', when entering the menu... Wrong code exits the menu, so you are not stuck in something... When you have tried to enter the code (wrong) all five times, the menu is deactivated, and you'll get: 'Not allowed' when entering <-**<-
A "secret test mode" can be accessed on the GH337. There seems to be two methods:> * < < * > * displays software version, such as 940810 1310
> * < < * < * displays software version, such as 951024 1054
After entering this mode, the < and > keys scroll through a menu. There seems to be different menus for different versions of software.

Software version number are apparently a date and time stamp.

940810 1310 version commands:

TEXT CHECK - shows 254 messages in current language

INIT EEPROM MMI - resents NVRAM settings (User Settings).

Other, probably more recent version:

FLASH - will restart the phone, to the point of entering PIN numbers.You can't kill a 337 when pressing YES while it says "FLASH?", you must connect it to 5/12 volts first to be able to erase the flash-memory.

1-ROW TEXTS - scroll through 174 single line text messages with < and >

n-ROW-TEXTS - scroll through full-screen messages with < and >

950626 1405 version commands:

CXC (number) - The Application software's "product number". The GH337/GF337 is always "CXC 125 005"

PRG - Indication for Programming

Programming 337
Set ComPort to 9600bps, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity.
Power on phone by pressing "NO/ENDpwr".
When performing its powerup sequence the phone will send two ">>"
(ASCII 62 decimal) characters. Within 1 second, reply to it by
sending the 4 character sequence "TP1".
(I used Procomm Plus with this script "eric.asp")

[proc main ]

[start: ]

[ ]

[ waitfor ">>" ]

[ pause 1 ]

[ transmit "TP1^M" ]
If everything went fine you should get the "OK" prompt back.

Test the TEST PROGRAM by sending the commands terminated by a :

PROG 0 (shows Test Program product number info)
PROG 1 (shows Test Program product date info)
PROG 3 (Shows Main Application product number info)
PROG D (Shows Main Application product date info)
Programming Calculator and Channel Indicator/RBS
To enable, send the following:
EEWR 047A 01
Wait for the OK prompt, power off* the phone and disconnect it from the interface cables. Powerup and browse through the menus.
To diasable, send the following:
EEWR 047A 00
Clearing Electronic Lock
To clear the electronic lock you have to clear the EEPROM address range 045B to 0466 by sending the commands:
EEWR 045B 00
EEWR 045C 00
EEWR 045D 00
EEWR 045E 00
EEWR 045F 00
EEWR 0460 00
EEWR 0461 00
EEWR 0462 00
EEWR 0463 00
EEWR 0464 00
EEWR 0465 00
EEWR 0466 00
Disabling the Service Provider Lock
To disable send the following command:
EEWR 1587 00
To enable send the following command:
EEWR 1587 01
Experimental Commands - Use at own Risk
To dump the application software send the following:

Bank range : 00..7F

Address : 0000..BFFF

Bytestoread : 0000..BFFF
The "additional" value returned at the end are the checksum value
for the returned program memory bytes. Note, the byte-values are
always returned in format 0000 and NOT 00.
Returns the application checksum, takes a few seconds.
Notes on the PH 337
1. Calculator mode is NOT available on all PH sw versions.
2. Invoking Calc/RBS mode not available for GH337 sw versions below
3. SPCK attempts can be changed to 50 instead of the std 5 tries
4. The instruction LIME returns ERR but does not screw up phone
5. The instruction IMEI returns the IMEI no.
6. Pressing YES in response to FLASH? does screw up the unit.
Set ComPort to 115200bps, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity and watch all t
he phone commands on the screen and so on. Make a call and see what
happens as well as shutting down.
1 In Voice

2 In +5V=External Power, 0V=Battery

3 Out Ext Speak control

4 Analog GND

5 Out Voice


7 Out Charger control

8 Digital/DC GND

9 In 0V=normal,+5V=test, +12V=test+flash

10 In Hook

11 In TTL serial in

12 Out TTL serial out

13 In 0V for aprox 1 sec = POWER ON/OFF

14 In DC Power supply

Ericsson 318/338

To view IMEI number *#06#To view Software Version enter -> * <- <- * <- * CLR (Use with Care)
The Latest Software Version is under Phone Info.
To fine tune sound and clean up any echos, place the 388 into the car kit HF 2600.
Then close all windows, engine off and type * # * # 3. The E 388 will fine-tune itself in about a few seconds.
To activate operator lock <- * * <- (This locks the phone to one carriers SIM card - Use with lots of care)
Press Yes to lock and No to notlock. You can also use the codes below to undo this function. USE AT OWN RISK
I have tested the function Lock to SP... At least on the 337 there's a submenu: Enter SPCK-code. There are 5 attempts, which is showed (05 attempts). At final attempt the phone beeps as a warning, 'this is the final try', when entering the menu... Wrong code exits the menu, so you are not stuck in something... When you have tried to enter the code (wrong) all five times, the menu is deactivated, and you'll get: 'Not allowed' when entering <-**<-
Accessing the Service Program that is not provided with the 388.
1. Connect the 388 to Cable with RS232/TTL converter.
2. Set Comport to 9600bps, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity.
3. Power ON, wait for "2" and send "0B" to the phone. DO NOT Press ENTER.
4. R should be on screen.
5. Send TEST.BIN. (Send as a binary file)
6. 388 should answer "SP,OK".
7. R should be on screen.
DO NOT write or read from the IMEI or SPCK area! If you try that you can send the phone to service at once, because you will automatically write FE or EF to EVERY cell in the EEPROM. In other words, all the calibration values for the radio is overwritten... (NOT good)
Some commands in the ServiceProg:
eere read from eeprom
eewe write eeprom
lime xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx Learn imei no. Returns Error.
imei - Displays IMEI number
To FlashProgram a 388:
1. Connect the 388 to Cable with RS232/TTL converter.
2. Set Comport to 9600bps, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity.
3. Power ON, wait for "2" and send "OB" to the phone. DO NOT Press ENTER.
4. R should be on screen.
5. send pre_xxx.bin to the MS.
6. You should recieve a ">".
7. send "0B" again.
8. R should be on screen
9. send prodload.bin to the MS.
10. recieve ">".
Done, I don't have the above files so please don't ask for them.
Interesting Informating (well I thought so :)
The names on the files, sj.....X45 tells you a couple of things. "sj" stands for Sofia-Jane, thats the internal name for the model and x45 stands for "sub-model". The 388 is called model 4/5. The latest 337 phones is called "cr", like in Cost Reduction. They rebuilt the oscillator from a bought-in to one built up with discrete components and that was cheaper.
Programming Channel Indicator or RBS
To enable, send the following command:
Wait for the OK prompt, power off* the phone and disconnect it from the interface cables. Powerup and browse through the menus.
To diasable, send the following command:
Clearing Electronic Lock
To clear the electronic lock you have to clear the EEPROM address range 03CF to 03DA by sending the commands:
EEWR 3D0 00
EEWR 3D1 00
EEWR 3D2 00
EEWR 3D3 00
EEWR 3D4 00
EEWR 3D5 00
EEWR 3D6 00
EEWR 3D7 00
EEWR 3D8 00
EEWR 3D9 00
Set ComPort to 115200bps, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity and watch all the phone commands on the screen and so on. Make a call and see what happens as well as shutting down.
You should press the NO button a few times until Shut Down comes up on the screen, when it does press yes and this will shut down the phone properly.
Reading the Channel Info now that's it's enabled
|-------|-------|-------| D

| | | | I

| 1 | 2 | 3 | S

|-------|-------|-------| P

| | | | L

| 4 | 5 | 6 | A

|-------|-------|-------| Y
1. This is three different channels things depending on the phone state.

a. When the phone is idle, this shows "Bxxx". "B" stands for "Broadcast channel" (a logic GSM channel)b. When a phonecall is in progress, this shows "Sxxx". S stands for "Stand Alone Dedicated Control Channel" SDCCH for short.
c. When the phoncall in up, this shows "Txxx". "T" Stands for Traffic channel. The "xxx" thing is the channel number, 1-124.
2. This shows Rx Level. The values displayed is from 0 to 63. Rx Level is a indicator on how good your reception is for the moment. 0 is a signal strength of -110dBm. 63 is approx -45 to -50dBm.RXLEV is measured in dBm in such a way that incoming signal equals -110.5+RXLEV so that a RXLEV at 50 equals an incoming signal strenght at -50.5 dBm (plus or minus max deviation 0.5dBm)
3. This shows the output power in dBm.
4. This shows the timeslot used for the moment. You can see it when making a call.
5. This shows Rx Quality. Rx Quality is a measurement of how much error correction is required to the speech. 0 indicates none and as the figure rises you hear more pings and pongs on the speech as large parts of the frame are missing. If you have more RxQ then 5, you are on good way to loose your call. RxQuality reads 0-7.RXQUAL is measured by using a table wereas the biterrorrate or BER is interesting and measured in %
RXQUAL table
0 BER < 0,2 (%)

1 0,2 < BER < 0,4

2 0,4 < BER < 0,8

3 0,8 < BER < 1,6

4 1,6 < BER < 3,2

5 3,2 < BER < 6,4

6 6,4 < BER < 12,8 (here we have lost half a burst)

7 12,8 < BER
6. This shows the timing advance. The BS tells the MS to send before it should just make sure that the MS burst is comming to the BS on the right time. The TA is measured in halfbits so the distance to the BTS can be calculated as follows=1,11*TA/2. TimingAdvance reads 0-63. Co-incidentely this tells you how far you are from the base site in 550metre chunks, up to the theoretical max of 35.2km.
1 In Voice

2 In +5V=External Power, 0V=Battery

3 Out Ext Speak control

4 Analog GND

5 Out Voice


7 Out Charger control

8 Digital/DC GND

9 In 0V=normal,+5V=test, +12V=test+flash

10 In Hook

11 In TTL serial in

12 Out TTL serial out

13 In 0V for aprox 1 sec = POWER ON/OFF

14 In DC Power supply

Ericsson 628

To view IMEI number enter * # 0 6 #

To view Software Version enter -> * <- <- * <- *

To read all programmed texts enter -> * <- <- * <- * ->

To view phone network lock status enter < * * < (wait 3 sec)

To fast dial press phone number pos nr and # (Example: 1 5 #)

To fast dial last number press 0 #

To reset main menu language to english enter * # 0 0 0 0 #

To see battery level while phone is turned off quickly press and release on/off(NO button).

To see Extended menus (on older versions) go to MISSED CALLS, empty directory, press and HOLD right arrow button, choose menu type

To see Extended menus (on newer versions) go to READ, empty directory, press and HOLD left arrow button, choose menu type

To edit phone book Turn on extended menus and choose "EditPh.Bk".
Command set
The following commands are recongnized by the phone.Use 9600 baud, 1 stopbit, 8 data bits, no parity.

ATA Pick up phone during ring
AT+GMI Manufacturer identification
AT+GMO Request model Identification
AT+GMR Request revision Identification
ATDxxx; Dial number xxx
ATH Hangup phone
AT+CFUN=? Define levels of fuctionality in the order of power consumed
AT+CFUN=0 Switches off the phone
AT+CBC Query battery level

Each command has to be followed by a 0x0A, 0x0D sequence, that is carriage return - line feed. These commands will be ackowledged with an 'OK' prompt. An
incoming call is signalled by the string 'RING' sent by the phone at 9600b in normal mode.
Portable Handsfree Unit
1 Earphone: 16 Ohm
2 Microphone: <- 2 kOhm
5 Connected to 04 (GND)
Left to right, keyboard up.
1 Audio Out

2 Audio In

3 Accessory Sense. GND to enable External Mic and Speaker (Analog)

4 Audio Signal GND.

5 Portable handsfree In.

6 Music Mute Out, High when phone is used.

7 In Flash Memory Voltage and Service Voltage, In 0V=normal,+5V=test, +12V=test+flash

8 Logic Out, Status On. Sources over 100mA

9 Data Out from Mobile Station. Debug messages appear here at 112KBaud when in debug mode.

10 Digital Ground and DC return

11 Data in

12 DC in for battery charging, DC out for accessory power

Ericsson 388

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

*#0000# to reset the phones menu-language to English.

>*<<*<* for checking the firmware revision information (software release)

>*<<*<*> 1-row text strings. if pressing yes you can check the phones text programming in currently selected language. (298 entries)

>*<<*<*>> n-row text strings. if pressing yes you can check the phones text programming in currently selected language. (160 entries?)

The Service Provider (SP) Lock menu is used to lock the cell phone to the SP's SIM card. Once the cell phone is locked to a specific operator, if one inserts a SIM card from a different operator the phone will refuse to accept it! The cell phone will however accept another SIM card from the same operator.

To activate/deactivate this lock one needs a special secret code that is not available to the end user. (not even to you... or is it ? in case please let me know!)

<**< Lock to Network? if pressing yes you have 5 attempts to enter NCK.

<**<< Lock to Network subset? if pressing yes you have 5 attempts to enter NSCK.

Warning: Your phone can be locked to a service provider FOREVER by doing this! If an invalid code is entered all five times, the menu will exit and be deactivated! Any further attempt to activate the NCK/NSCK lock Menu will result in the response "Not allowed"! However the NCK/NSCK lock can be recover through a direct clearing in the EEPROM.

Shortcut for Last Dialed call menu...
If you for some reason don't want to enter the 'Last Dialed calls menu' by using the 'YES' key you can use the following key stroke instead: First '0' then '#'.

Access menu without Sim card ...
To access to the menu in your phone without having a card inside do the following: type **04*0000*0000*0000# When display say "Wrong Pin" press NO and you have access to the all menus: Info, Access, Settings, Calculator, Clock, Keylock On?, Mail, Phone book. NOTE if you try this on the GH688 your phone may stop at Keylock On? menu and you´ll have to take your battery out to turn the phone on again.